Not for the faint-hearted!
What's the worst thing you've ever found in your food? I know someone who found an actual dreadlock in a jar of supermarket own brand sauce before. I've found a few creepy-crawlies in salads before, but to be fair - salad comes from the ground or from trees and although it's a bit manky, it's not the worst.
THESE are the worst:
- "Animal meat (I'm a vegan)."
- "Just hair. Since I'm a bearded man...I never question it"
- "When I was younger, I left a glass of Coke on a table outside while I was playing soccer. Ran back a while later to take a sip and immediately savoured the crunch of a whole mess of dead bees."
- "Opened a brand new jar of roasted red peppers to find a beetle partly crushed and stuck to the lid"
- “Morning Paula! When I was a kid, I found slugs stuck to the inside of the glass milk bottle - after eating a bowl of cereal. I’m in my 30s and haven’t drank milk since!” Pete The Engineer
- “A huge dead spider, complete with a web, in my grapes... I had eaten half the bag at this point!”
- “Good Morning Paula. Regarding finding things in food and your vegan story: a Spanish colleague of mine was working in Indonesia and returned there after Christmas and wanted to bring something Spanish back for his work mates to try. He didn't bring Jamon Serrano since they are Muslims, so he brought Almond Turron. They loved it and asked what is was made of he was about to list the ingredients until to his horror, he noticed that the first ingredient was pig suet! He skipped that ingredient and quietly dumped the rest packet. Never told them.” - Cheers, Vince
- “Hi Paula, I work in a drinks factory where we do returnable bottles. We occasionally got bottles sent back with empty crisp packets in them. I remember a few years ago we got a full bottle returned to us that had a condom (still in the wrapper, mind you!) inside it! #RuinedNightOut Loving the show!” - Mark H
- “My mam bought a carrot cake from a bake sale which seemed. We start eating the carrot cake and I start pulling hair out of my piece. Not just one, many. Rotten!”
- “Hi Paula I was throwing in turf for my grandparents about 5 year ago and when doing turf you get parched fairly quickly. We had a few loads in and I went in for a drink and opened the fridge, found orange juice, so I took off the lid off and started to drink from the carton and felt loads of little lumps in my mouth… it was out of date by 2 and a half years! Why do grandparents always have stuff years out of date?!” – Murt, Kildare
- “Hey Paula, my father cooked us dinner a few years ago and in amongst the mashed carrots was his plaster… oh that's where that went, he said. Argh!”
- “Good morning, I'm staying anonymous on this but when I was younger we used to visit relatives who were farmers and we dreaded having a drink of tea due to the milk which was always luke warm as it was fresh from the cow outside. I can remember one of my cousins teething and the dad came in, hands covered in cow dung, and he would pick up my cousin then start letting them suck on his fingers!”
- “Paula, first trimester nausea here & these stories are not helping!”
- “The problem isn't the worst thing you found, it's the worst thing you DIDN'T find!”