You say tom-ay-to, I say tom-ah-to... that song is incorrect because who actually says pot-ah-to? Nobody, that’s who! (and if someone you know actually says pot-ah-to, have a word.)
There are some words that grate on us and if you watch Love Island, you may find that the list of words or phrases gets longer and longer... (if you haven’t already started Love Island, don’t bother now. It’s not very good, but I’m invested now and there’s nothing I can do about it.)
Here are the words the listeners of The Early Breakfast would rather not hear anymore. Soz (that’s one of them)
(The word “nom” must have come in 5-times more than any of the other words so if you’re into Instagramming your food, think of a new hashtag. Oh, and people hate the word hashtag too)
- Nom nom nom
- Nommage
- Literally
- Whatever
- Bro
- Clean eating needs to get lost
- Bae
- Legit
- Basic
- Selfie
- Anything on fleek
- Hubby
- Epic
- Hun
- Literally can't even. CAN'T EVEN WHAT?!
- Mom
- Mum
- Hup, hon etc
- Soz