Some cute suggestions!
In The Irish Daily Star today, we read that the key to a happy marriage is... working away from home, and fry-ups! Listeners of The Early Breakfast gave their little nuggets of wisdom, and here are some little tips on what makes their home-life happy:
- “Mutual trust and understanding that you are still two separate people with separate lives.”
- “I once heard that most successful relationships revolve around the understanding that partners have separate interests. I play guitar, so my wife leaves the room when I play. Suits us both!”
- “Don't forget to give her food, water, and pet her every day. Now if you're talking about with humans, I haven't a clue.”
- “When you disagree, remember that you're on the same team. You're supposed to fight a problem, not the other person!”
- “Paula, did you know that it was considered a sign of wealth in the past for a couple to be able to afford and sleep in separate beds? The two duvets you mentioned are double duck down feather with silk covers I presume? I'm a comfort snob too, it's ok!”
- “Separate bank accounts. Just keep your own money and let your other half keep theirs”
- “Secret is to keep your mouth shut!”
- “Paula on a Saturday or a Sunday, I leave the house early for a run and on the way back, I pick up coffee and warm pastries for the wife. That’s key to a happy life at home – she loves it!”
- “Paula, the problem with the fry up idea is that it can cause the bowels to give howls and growls. Not a terribly romantic affair. Secret to a happy marriage: NO FARTING!”
- “My husband blames his toots on the baby sometimes and for some reason I think it’s hilarious to imagine a 7 month old making that kind of noise.”
- “Hey Paula. We did a pre-marriage course. It took two days. Yes, two days!!! And an “expert” told us how to resolve disputes in a marriage, how to stay happy and even explained how important a roll in the hay was to keep the marriage alive. That “expert” was a NUN! Go figure!” - Bannerman (happily married for 6 years)
- “Happily married couples usually have a pet so there is always something at home that loves you.”
- “The secret is a TV in separate rooms!”
- “Tickle the living bejaysus out of them every now and then. They always cheer up no matter what's wrong!”
- “Compromise, date nights and laughter. It's worked for us for 25 years with 3 kids.”