
Early Breakfast With Paula MacSweeney

House Rules We Had When We Were Younger

Buzzfeed published an article yesterday about the various different rules we had growing up that see...
Paula MacSweeney
Paula MacSweeney

7:58 AM - 13 Jan 2020

House Rules We Had When We Wer...

Early Breakfast With Paula MacSweeney

House Rules We Had When We Were Younger

Paula MacSweeney
Paula MacSweeney

7:58 AM - 13 Jan 2020

"No sitting in the sitting room!"

Buzzfeed published an article yesterday about the various different rules we had growing up that seemed normal at the time, but were actually really strange in hindsight.

We had to go to mass every single week – no exceptions. We were never allowed to have Coco Pops or any type of sugary drinks… which I actually agree with now that I am a parent. Mind the teeth!

Here are some from the listeners of The Early Breakfast:


  • “We were NEVER grounded as kids Paula. My mother hates us being in the house, so a punishment was no treats... but never confined to the house!”


  • “No chewing gum… my mam still can’t stand chewing gum, it’s banned!”


  • “We were never allowed to wash our hands in the kitchen sink. Still don’t understand it Paula!”


  • “We had a rule that cheese after six was for ADULTS ONLY!”


  • “Fart was a swear-word in our house growing up, Paula!”


  • “No whistling!”


  • “When someone offered money it was expected that you said 'no, no, no, nah, no actually, thanks a million anyway, would you go on away with yourself now!....come on now..... ok so.... THANKS!”


  • “Not allowed use the sitting room. Maybe at Christmas though, but that was it!”


  • “Not being allowed to leave the table until your meal was finished. In hindsight, that’s so wrong!”


  • “We kept bread in the freezer. Apparently not a lot of people do that.”


  • “We were never allowed to have sleepovers”


  • “No video games… ever”


  • “No shoes in the house. Weird”


  • “Paula when we were sick off school, we weren’t allowed to watch telly. So boring”


  • “My wife as a child had to be in bed by 8pm even during the summer holidays… this lasted up to the age of 15!”

Read more about

Funny Growing Up House Rules

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