The third Monday in January isn't THAT bad!
Today is Blue Monday - the day many people regard as the toughest day of the year.
With Christmas being over, dark days and low temperatures, the third Monday of January is said to be hard on people's mental health.
So instead of going into work and quitting your jobs today in desperation, here’s a list of little things you can do to cheer yourselves up, even slightly.
- Buy a magazine
- Get a massage
- Buy bottle of something out of your price range, enjoy it this evening
- Go for a sea swim
- Book a table at a restaurant where there’s no kids menu!
- Flowers and candles
- Get a rescue dog (only if you’re prepared to give it a happy, forever-home!)
- Spa day
- Solo cinema trip
- Manicure on your lunch break
- Five euro bath bomb and Netflix
- Sausage sandwich