Today is "Divorce Day"
Today, Monday 6th of January, is dubbed as “Divorce Day” by lawyers, with a spike in inquiries about legal separations expected to peak after Christmas. Some reasons that have been previously given include “they hogged the duvet”. I mean… it’s valid. No underlying issues there at all, no siree!
Here are some of the most brutal reasons we’ve broken up with people, and reasons we’ve been dumped. Harsh.
- “She broke up with me because in her words I was immortal. I think she meant immoral. Anyway, I am neither!”
- “She broke up with me for something that I did in her dream!”
- “A girl broke up with me because she said I loved the dog more than her. She was absolutely right Paula!”
- “Paula, I went out with a guy for 6 months before he moved to Australia. I was heartbroken – this was 2002 so there was no Skype or contact the way we have now. I was heartbroken until I saw him up the town a month later... he came back from Australia and never bothered to tell me!”
- “I took my now ex-girlfriend to a science museum for her birthday. Turns out she's not that big a fan of science as I thought. Dumped me THAT DAY!”
- “Paula, I broke up with an ex-girlfriend after tossing a coin. I wasn’t sure if I was happy so left it to fate… looking back, how immature was I?!”
- “Paula a fella told me before that he had to break up with me because he didn’t want to lead me on. We had been together for a year!”
- “I nominated my then-boyfriend for the ice bucket challenge and he dumped me.. no joke!”
- “I don't like listening to you breathe. What was I meant to do… stop breathing?!”
- “Dumped because I’m a Gemini. Seriously!”
- “Paula, I had to break up with someone once becasue of their noisy chewing, talking with their mouth full, and slurping their tea, I just couldn't handle it!”
- “She broke up with me because she preferred to be on her own, she said. She was married 6 months later!”