The popular story of Rudolph 'The Red Nose' Reindeer has been passed down through decades and remains an iconic tale about how he, as an outcast, overcame the scrutiny of his peers to become the leading man for Santa on the road...or in the air...however you wish to put it.
It is without-a-doubt that Santa took a liking to him and his shining nose by taking him under his gift-giving wing to soar across the world together every Christmas eve.
We never truly knew how strong their bond was until listener, John O'Gorman, shed some light on it for us this morning.
Spotted in Mullingar is a window display that will either warm your heart or creep you out.
@DermotTodayFM @DaveTodayFM Spotted this xmas display in Mullingar on Friday. By the time xmas is over, Rudolph’s nose won’t be the only thing that’s shiny!!
— John O Gorman (@moynalvey7) December 4, 2017
Ah sure, you know how the saying goes...i'll wipe yours if you wipe mine.