
Best Bits

The Three Types Of Friday People

There are three type of Friday people. Now, every Friday is different, some days you are a definite...

1:43 PM - 21 Nov 2014

The Three Types Of Friday Peop...

Best Bits

The Three Types Of Friday People


1:43 PM - 21 Nov 2014

There are three type of Friday people. Now, every Friday is different, some days you are a definite Type A and others you are totally a Type C. The question is which one are you today?!

TYPE A - 'I want to go out'

Some Fridays, you just wake up giddy. From the minute you open your eyes, all you can think about is messing and chatting and dancing (and having a sneaky pint too of course). Every song you hear that day is a 'going out-y song'. It's like the DJ on the radio just knows, they are playing tune after tune, you close your eyes and can picture yourself on the dancefloor. You are in the zone and all you need is a partner in crime. Sorted. Happy days.


TYPE B - 'I shouldn't go out but.......'

You've had a long long week, your boss has been on your case, everything is annoying you and you are very relieved that it's Friday. You would murder a pint and could do with letting off some steam but, there's a a long list of reasons why you can't. No money. Minding the dog. Catching up on the washing. Up early in the morning. But....and that's a BIG but, you REALLY want to. You'll spend the day refusing offers, telling people you can't go out. By 5.15, you'll start to reason with yourself ; 'I'll go out for one, I'll go home by ten, I'll do the washing tomorrow, I can totally afford it, I don't actually need to eat next week, I DESERVE THIS'. Cut to you, outside Supermacs at 3am eating garlic cheese chips. 


TYPE C -'I actually CANNOT wait for the couch'

Sometimes, the week is just too much for you. The lads in work are going out for a pint but you couldn't imagine anything worse. You rejoice at the thoughts of getting home, opening the top button of your jeans, throwing on the trackies, ordering a takeaway, pouring a large glass of wine and retiring to the couch where you shan't move for the night. Heaven. 

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