Introducing...Terry The Turnip!
Well, this is a turnip for the books.
Not to be outdone by the massive popularity of a certain vegetable from a rival supermarket some canny and creative staff from a Super-Valu in Roscommon have created their own vegetable super-hero.
Listener Val was perusing the Fruit & Veg aisle when she spotted Terry! (well he was hard to miss) and she sent it to The Fergal D'Arcy Show.
This opens up the possibility of a whole Universe of characters to rival Marvel!
Look at his liddle jeans!
Move over Kevin the carrot. @DuffysSupervalu have Terry the Turnip #roscommon
— Val (@magnumlady) November 30, 2019
And Super-Valu themselves have responded to their super talented staff:
Brilliant! And what fabulous hair he has
— SuperValu Ireland (@SuperValuIRL) November 30, 2019