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Stradbally Bound? Your Electric Picnic Camping Checklist

It's almost time for 75,000 lucky music fans to descend on Stradbally to enjoy a weekend of music, a...
Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

10:19 AM - 14 Aug 2024

Stradbally Bound? Your Electri...

Best Bits

Stradbally Bound? Your Electric Picnic Camping Checklist

Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

10:19 AM - 14 Aug 2024

It's almost time for 75,000 lucky music fans to descend on Stradbally to enjoy a weekend of music, art and let's face it, all the craic in the world.

But before the fun begins, there's the packing and then the long (LONG!) walk from the car parks to the place you'll call home for the weekend.

Packing well is key and we have you sorted.

This is the ultimate camping checklist to make sure you stay warm, dry, happy and having fun for as long as you can.


  • Rucksack/Trolley (aka something to pull beside you that has all the really heavy bits)
  • Tent, and duct tape in case of a tent emergency
  • Sleeping Bag and mat
  • Bin Bags
  • Rain Jacket and a smaller pocket version or poncho
  • Wellies/Hiking Boots
  • Big Scarf/Hat/Gloves/Thermals
  • Jocks and lots of warm socks
  • Microfiber towel
  • Torch
  • Power bank and whatever cables you need
  • Baby Wipes
  • Toilet Roll/Kitchen Roll
  • Dry Shampoo
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Mouthwash
  • Suncream
  • Lip Balm
  • Moisturiser
  • Anti-bacterial hand gel
  • Deodorant
  • Plasters
  • Rennie and any other medicines you feel you might need.
  • Whatever clothes you want to wear but bring a spare outfit in case you get soaked.
  • If you have space/are driving: big reusable water bottle/hot water bottle.

Some Pro Packing Tips

Wrap your clothes, separated by different 'outfits', in bin bags before putting them into your bag. It means if there's rain/a spillage at least some of your clothes will remain dry.

Thin base layers are your friend. It can get nippy at night and you don't want to go home cause you're cold.

Have snacks in the tent for the morning when you wake up, the queues for food can be long.

Have a clean t-shirt to change into for the way home on the Monday, you'll be stinking but you'll feel fresh.


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