Absolute genius.
In Ireland they'd call this lad a "cute hoor" but if you ride a bike you gotta have your wits about you on the road.
You need to constantly anticipate what other users on the road will do next.
Motorcyclists need a sixth sense and the wisdom doesn't stop at being able to control a car sized engine under your arse.
It must also applied to finding a suitable parking space.
And the Muireann O'Connell show believes we have found the Einstein of riders!
Take a bow Ducatiman.
A truly Chicago moment: this Ducati parks in the same spot every day because the city put the no parking sign and the meter sign on two different poles, leaving a no-mans-land space just big enough for one bike. pic.twitter.com/5NqylXSUZl
— Jeopardy Fan (@BrineGull) 5 June 2019