This kid wants Santa to take it easy - and just give him lots of money:
This kid is also eyeing up some cash but has a very particular figure in mind:
This kid is worried that his alarm will go off before Santa gets away:
This kid is worried that Santa needs to watch his waistline:
This kid has a touch of cookie envy:
This kid feels like he has to explain why there are no nibbles for Santa to enjoy:
This kid is looking for a second chance - and an explanation:
This kid just wants a puppy:
To be fair, this wish is on our list too:
This kid would like to get to the point:
This kid wants to get straight down to business:
This kid has taken the formal approach:
This kid hasn't got time for chit-chat:
This kid has run out of patience:
This kid wants Rudolph:
This kid needs proof:
This kid thinks Santa is just a man in a suit:
This kid is saying it as it is:
This kid has had enough: